17.03.2020 | Cones, Mirroring and Conic Sections

Using AutoCAD to create a three-dimensional cone, mirror the cone to create a new object and create section plans of the solid obtained.

Firstly use 3D orbit command and create a 3D cone using the Cone command.
Draw the cone located with 10 units of radius and 10 units of height.
Use Shade command to shade the cone created.

To give the cone thickness we copy the cone and paste this second cone on top of the first cone. Having only 1 unit of distance apart from one another.

For the next steps, we need to understand what are Boolean Operations:
Union is for joining two separate pieces into one piece only.
Intersect is to create one object using the intersection of two objects.
Subtract is to take away the space occupied by one object on another object.

Subtract both cones.
Using 3D mirror, the same cone is mirrored on top onto its vertex.

Then, create four different section plans using the command Pline for the rectangular base. This is copied and pasted for the remaining sections at different angles.
In order to rotate the plans to different angles, we use 3DRotation and Rotate3D.

Using the command Section select both cones and define 3 points of the plan.
Repeat this for all sections.
Copy everything and separate section lines.

Add an axis to each section and revolve around the axis using Revsurf.
